Key Documents
The Trust's Vision & Values
Our values are trust, respect, commitment and service; values that all schools can believe in and hold as central to the education they provide.
The vision for Chess Valley Primary Learning Trust is to:
- Enable excellence to flourish within outstanding, autonomous academies
- Provide strong and stable governance and leadership
- Encourage innovation
- Build capacity and resilience
- Create an effective administrative and financial support structure
- Deliver a broad, balanced and inspiring curriculum across the family of schools within the Trust
- Retain and develop the Christian distinctiveness and character of church schools within the Trust
- Retain and develop the distinctive character of community schools within the Trust
- Adopt a positive growth strategy of up to three schools joining in the first five years.
Underpinning principles
We have enshrined within the Trust the rights of all schools to maintain their current character and ethos and to ensure their history and local context will be fully respected and protected. This includes the name of the school, provision of a Local Governing Body (LGB), their individual school admissions policies, their uniform, buildings, grounds, local voluntary funds and religious character (where relevant).